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The advisor retrieves security advisories from configured services. It requires the analyzer result as an input. For all the packages identified by the analyzer, it queries the services configured for known security vulnerabilities. The vulnerabilities returned by these services are then stored in the output result file together with additional information like the source of the data and a severity (if available).

Multiple providers for security advisories are available. The providers require specific configuration in the ORT configuration file, which needs to be placed in the advisor section. When executing the advisor, the providers to enable are selected with the --advisors option (or its short alias -a); here a comma-separated list with provider IDs is expected. The following sections describe the providers supported by the advisor:


A security data provider that queries Nexus IQ Server. In the configuration, the URL of the Nexus IQ Server the credentials must be provided:

serverUrl: ""
username: myUser
password: myPassword

To enable this provider, pass -a NexusIQ on the command line.

OSS Index

This vulnerability provider does not require any further configuration as it uses the public service at Before using this provider, please ensure to comply with its Terms of Service.

To enable this provider, pass -a OssIndex on the command line.


This provider obtains information about security vulnerabilities from a VulnerableCode instance. The configuration is limited to the server URL, as authentication is not required:

serverUrl: "http://localhost:8000"

To enable this provider, pass -a VulnerableCode on the command line.


This provider obtains information about security vulnerabilities from Google OSV, a distributed vulnerability database for Open Source. The database aggregates data from different sources for various ecosystems. The configuration is optional and limited to overriding the server URL.

serverUrl: ""

To enable this provider, pass -a OSV on the command line.