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From Docker

The easiest way to run ORT is to use the Docker images available from the GitHub container registry. There are two images available: ort and ort-minimal.

The difference between those two images is that ort contains installations of all supported package managers while ort-minimal contains only the most commonly used package managers to reduce the image size. For example, for release 13.0.0 the size of the ort image is ~7 GB and the size of the ort-minimal image is ~3 GB. The examples below use the ort image. To run them with the ort-minimal image replace ort with ort-minimal.

To run the Docker image for the latest ORT release use:

$ docker run --version

To run a specific version, for example 12.0.0, use:

$ docker run --version

To show the command line help, run the image with the --help option:

docker run --help

To show which versions of the required tools are installed run the image with the requirements command:

docker run requirements

The above commands always create a new Docker container. To avoid that they pile up Docker can be run with the --rm flag to automatically remove the container when the command has finished:

docker run --rm [command]

From binaries

A binary distribution of ORT can be downloaded from the latest GitHub release. The ort-[version].zip file contains binaries to run ORT in the bin folder.

For Linux:

bin/ort [command]

For Windows:

bin\ort.bat [command]

From sources

Install the following basic prerequisites:

  • Git (any recent version will do).

Then clone this repository.

git clone
# If you intend to run tests, you have to clone the submodules too.
cd ort
git submodule update --init --recursive

Build using Docker

Install the following basic prerequisites:

  • Docker 18.09 or later (make sure that the Docker daemon is running).
  • Enable BuildKit for Docker.

Change into the directory with ORT's source code and run docker build -t ort .. Alternatively, use the script at scripts/ which also sets the ORT version from the Git revision.

Build natively

Install these additional prerequisites:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) version 11 or later; also remember to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable accordingly.

Change into the directory with ORT's source code and run ./gradlew installDist (on the first run this will bootstrap Gradle and download all required dependencies).

Basic usage

Depending on how ORT was installed, it can be run in the following ways:

  • If the Docker image was built, use

    docker run ort --help

    You can find further hints for using ORT with Docker in the documentation.

  • If the ORT distribution was built from sources, use

    ./cli/build/install/ort/bin/ort --help
  • If running directly from sources via Gradle, use

    ./gradlew cli:run --args="--help"

    Note that in this case the working directory used by ORT is that of the cli project, not the directory gradlew is located in (see

For simplicity of the following usage examples, the above ORT invocations are unified to just ort --help.